Annual Foundation Inspection

All great things are built on a solid foundation. This could not be more true of a house.

A significant number of houses in the Houston area have experienced foundation problems, or will at some point in the future if the foundation is not properly maintained. Yes, foundations need maintenance too. Foundation repair, and residual issues because of foundation movement, can be one of the most costly repairs in a house.

The condition of the foundation will be reported to you in your original inspection report. Our annual foundation inspection includes a full inspection of the foundation, both exterior and interior, as well as new digital elevation readings. By comparing the old and new information, we can see how the foundation is performing. The goal is to 1) help you prevent having foundation problems and 2) minimize problems and repairs if we can identify issues early. We can also offer advice and solutions on proper foundation maintenance. And because you have taken such great care of your foundation and house, wouldn’t this be great information to provide to a perspective buyer when it is time for you to sell the house! 

Please call for pricing and details.